FBI Informant: Tech Billionaire Peter Thiel’s Covert Role Revealed

Peter Thiel, the tech billionaire known for various roles, including co-founding PayPal and supporting Donald Trump, has been revealed as an FBI informant. Thiel began providing information to the FBI in 2021 through a Los Angeles-based agent, Johnathan Buma, focusing on political corruption and foreign influence matters.

Peter Thiel's

Thiel’s assistance was primarily related to foreign contacts and Silicon Valley interests. The revelation was reportedly prompted by a falling out between Thiel and Charles Johnson, an associate in the far-right movement, who exposed Thiel’s informant role as an act of revenge.

Thiel’s engagement with the FBI could put him at odds with certain elements of the Republican Party, given their strained relationship with the agency. However, Thiel has distanced himself from politics in recent times, emphasizing economic competitiveness over domestic culture wars. He has also advocated for FBI investigations into tech companies regarding potential foreign influence.

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